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9th International Conference on Computational & Experimental Methods in Multiphase & Complex Flow
Image processing Heat transfer
This is the 9th International Conference on Multiphase Flow in the very successful series which started in Orlando, Florida (2001), followed by meetings in Santa Fe, New Mexico (2003), Portland, Maine...
A Spectral Analysis Approach for Experimental Designs
In this paper we show how the approach of spectral analysis generalizes the standard ANOVA-based techiques for studying data from designed experiments. Several examples are worked out in detail including a thorough analysis of Calvin's famous ice cream data.
In this paper we show how the approach of spectral analysis generalizes the standard ANOVA-based techiques for studying data from designed experiments.Several examples are worked out in detail, includ...
Recent Development In The Uniform Experimental Design
Recent Development Uniform Experimental Design
Recent Development In The Uniform Experimental Design.
Analysis of Performance Measures in Experimental Designs Using Jackknife
Performance Measures Experimental Designs
Analysis of Performance Measures in Experimental Designs Using Jackknife.
Approximate Local D-optimal Experimental Design for Binary Response
Generalized Linear Models Logistic Response
A f ast and s imp le metho d is prop osed th at p ro du ces ap proximate mu ltivariate lo cal D- op timal
de signs of h igh e ¢ cienc y f or mo d els with binary re sp ons e. The meth o d as sume s a...
Combinatorics and Statistical Inferencing D-Optimal Experimental Designs with Covering Array Attributes
Combinatorics Statistical Inferencing
Wh ile D-O p tim al exp er im ental d es ign s ar e u s ed w ith gr eat f r equ en cy in s u r f ace
r es p on s e an alys is th ey als o offer a m ech an is m to s cr een f actor s an d f actor inte...
Theoretical and Experimental Aspects of the Higgs Mechanism in the Standard Model and Beyond
constraints on Higgs mass Higgs decay modes Higgs production channels
The Standard Model of particle physics is the best existing theory for describing the interactions between elementary particles. Even though the Standard Model has been confirmed in many experiments, ...
Bayesian experimental design for the active nitridation of graphite by atomic nitrogen
Optimal experimental design Uncertainty quantification Bayesian analysis Information gain Mutual information
Abstract: The problem of optimal data collection to efficiently learn the model parameters of a graphite nitridation experiment is studied in the context of Bayesian analysis using both synthetic and ...
On tight Euclidean $6$-designs: an experimental result
Euclidean designs spherical designs tight designs distance sets
A finite set X n with a weight function w : X 0 is called Euclidean t-design in n (supported by p concentric spheres) if the following condition ho...
Experimental confirmation of chaotic phase synchronization in coupled time-delayed electronic circuits
chaotic phase synchronization coupled time-delayed electronic circuits
We report the first experimental demonstration of chaotic phase synchronization (CPS) in unidirectionally coupled time-delay systems using electronic circuits. We have also implemented experimentally ...
Experimental evidence of conformal invariance in soap film turbulent flows
Experimental evidence of conformal invariance soap film turbulent flows
We present experimental evidence of statistical conformal invariance in isocontours of fluid thickness in experiments of two-dimensional turbulence using soap films. A Schlieren technique is used to v...
Using neural nets for eliminating noise in experimental signals
Neural nets signal processing convolution
In this paper we present a technique using feedforward neural nets to treat some types of noise frequently encountered in experimental measurements. We show that these neural nets act as inherent filt...
A quantile-score test for experimental design
Analysis of variance interaction linear models
Nonparametric rank tests are important tools for experimental designs,for example: rank transformation, normal-score rank test. There are discussions and controversies in the literatures concerning so...
Experimental observations of nonlinear effects of the Lamb waves
Deng Mingxi,Price D. C.,Scott D. A.
Chinese Journal of Acoustics
2004, 23(3): 226-243.
Centre for Experimental and Constructive Mathematics(CECM)
Centre for Experimental and Constructive Mathematics Statistics Actuarial Science
The Centre for Experimental and Constructive Mathematics (CECM), a Simon Fraser University research centre within the Departments of Mathematics and Statistics and Actuarial Science, was established i...